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Ever considered the impact your print has on the environment?

19 November 2020


Do you ever think about the impact your company’s printing has on the environment?

If your answer to these questions is, YES, then we’re singing from the same sustainable, environmentally friendly hymn sheet. That’s why we have been planting trees for our valued customers since 2013.

Your print will be more sustainable when ordering from Blue Ocean because we will plant trees for you. We will plant trees here in the UK. We will plant trees that will capture the equivalent amount of carbon produced in the manufacture of the paper used.

  • Trees = paper

The amount of CO2 generated in the production process is calculated. We then plant trees that will, during their lifetime, capture the equivalent amount of carbon (CO2) making your print more sustainable.

  • Paper = trees

Regardless of the size of order, trees will be planted and nurtured in honour of your print: Trees that will capture carbon.


Here are a few questions that our valued customers have asked that may help.

  1. How do we plant trees? – The Woodland Trust plant trees on our behalf and in-turn our customers.
  2. Who is The Woodland Trust? – The Woodland Trust is the largest woodland conservation charity in the UK concerned with the creation, protection and restoration of native woodland heritage.
  3. How much will it cost? – It will not cost you a penny! When we order paper and board to produce your job, Blue Ocean pay an additional percentage. This extra amount, which we pay, goes directly to The Woodland Trust to plant trees in the UK.
  4. How many trees will be planted? – This depends on the total amount of paper and board used in the production of your print order. Once we know the total weight of paper/board we then work out the amount of carbon produced in its making. Once we know the amount of carbon we calculate the number of trees that will capture the equivalent amount of carbon. As an example, let’s say we printed 2000 copies of an A4 16pp on 150gsm for you. We would plant (not us, but The Woodland Trust) just over 6m2 of native woodland, approximately 1.5 trees.


So, one and half trees will absorb all the carbon produced in making the paper for your brochure!

  1. What are the benefits for you? – Environmental issues are becoming more and more important to us here at Face and the organisations we support. A carbon reduction strategy like our Carbon Capture Programme can provide a commercial advantage for you including:
  • Provide a reduced carbon solution for you, your customers and target audience.
  • A tangible demonstration of your company’s responsible approach to the environment.
  • Use of the Woodland Carbon Logo.
  • Trees will exist in the UK as a result of your printed material.


If you’d like to have trees standing as a testament to your company’s print then please phone now on – 01438 907070 or email


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